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How does radon gas affect humans? Measurement

How does radon gas affect humans?

Radon gas is responsible for 55% of the total exposure of the general public to natural ionizing radiation (UNSCEAR report 2000). We can always find elevated radon levels indoors, and we are breathing radon gas everywhere. However, questions arise such as why is radon gas dangerous and how does it affect humans? Introduction: Rn alpha radiation and physics Radon is…
Darren Cottom
August 10, 2021
Radonova´s German partner expands radon expertise and portfolio to meet increased demand for radon measurements Measurement

Radonova´s German partner expands radon expertise and portfolio to meet increased demand for radon measurements

Recent changes in German radon regulation law have raised awareness of radon and the detrimental impact it has on health, as well as the availability of local distributors and contractors that supply radon measuring devices and services. Radonova's partner Safetec has been active in the field of radiation protection for almost 30 years and knows firsthand how the market for…
Darren Cottom
July 6, 2021
Radonova´s Radtrak2 detectors receive excellent results in a Spanish radon intercomparison test Measurement

Radonova´s Radtrak2 detectors receive excellent results in a Spanish radon intercomparison test

Radonova and ACPRO, one of Radonova´s distributors in Spain, have taken part in an intercomparison exercise with passive radon detectors. The Radtrak2 detectors used in the test got very good results when comparing to other detectors. ACPRO SLU has been authorized as a Technical Unit in Radiological Protection (UTPR) since 1990. The national intercomparison test was organized by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in collaboration with the Spanish Radiation Safety Authority (CSN). For the intercomparison test, at least five detectors of the…
Darren Cottom
June 8, 2021
Why calibration is fundamental to obtaining accurate radon measurements Measurement

Why calibration is fundamental to obtaining accurate radon measurements

In many countries, there is a requirement that a radon instrument should be calibrated once a year. This is important as many instruments lack the functionality to determine whether it is providing accurate results and working correctly. Why calibrate? Radon is a radioactive gas that is formed naturally when the uranium-238 isotope decomposes. The radon gas decays and turns into…
Darren Cottom
May 11, 2021
How to accurately measure when conducting radon mitigation Measurement

How to accurately measure when conducting radon mitigation

To successfully conduct radon mitigation an accurate and reliable inspection is required to identify where radioactive radon gas is coming from. This can be achieved via a number of different radon measurement techniques. There are numerous reasons elevated radon content may be present in a building, but it mainly arises because of radon leakage from the ground and through building…
Darren Cottom
April 27, 2021
our products
Radonova launches new production line to increase capacity and delivery reliability Measurement

Radonova launches new production line to increase capacity and delivery reliability

In order to meet increased demand for radon measurements, Radonova has launched a new production line in Uppsala, Sweden. Costing approximately 400,000 Euro, the new production line will enable Radonova to increase production capacity by 300 per cent. Customers will immediately benefit from higher delivery reliability and shorter delivery times. The increased requirement for radon measurement is driven by several…
Darren Cottom
April 13, 2021
Academic world plays a crucial role in radon research and development Measurement

Academic world plays a crucial role in radon research and development

In such a specific sector such as radon and radon measurement, global knowledge exchange often becomes a decisive success factor. It is also one of the reasons why Radonova has chosen to take an active role in academia. When studies and experiences are shared, environments are created which are more conducive to collaboration and working more effectively to reduce the…
Darren Cottom
March 23, 2021
Personal radon dosimeters give LKAB full control over radon exposure levels WorkplaceMeasurement

Personal radon dosimeters give LKAB full control over radon exposure levels

The international high-tech mining and mineral company LKAB always prioritises sustainability and safety in the workplace. This includes ensuring that the working environment does not expose staff to radon gas levels above the applicable limit values. We met LKAB's work environment technician Johan Sjöström, who tells us how the company has used Radonova's personal radon dosimeters over the past year…
Darren Cottom
January 12, 2021