When the SPIRIT radon detector was launched just over a year ago, it created new opportunities to make follow-up radon measurements at workplaces. SPIRIT has also provided better conditions for optimizing ventilation and reduce energy consumption in workplaces.
Since its launch, SPIRIT has increased its areas of use, such as being used as a measurement service for short-term measurement in homes. The measurement service has made it possible to conduct reliable radon measurements quickly and easily for house deals and transfer inspections.
“SPIRIT has made it possible for more people to carry out cost-effective radon measurements with high precision in a convenient way. Measurements that were previously associated with great requirements for knowledge and relatively high costs have now become available in a completely different way than before,” comments Karl Nilsson, CEO of Radonova Laboratories.
Used in several thousand follow-up workplace measurements
“Simplicity has been an important success factor. With SPIRIT, it is very easy to quickly access both an overview and detailed reports. With the wireless connection, it is also easy to read the measurement results remotely. We are approaching one thousand sold units and together with the measurement service we offer, we can state that SPIRIT is used in several thousand follow-up workplace measurements. The reception has given us have high hopes as the SPIRIT is now launched across Europe and in the near future in the USA”, says Karl Nilsson.
Meets increased demand and the requirements of the Radiation Safety Authority
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s (SSM) method description for radon measurement in workplaces and schools requires a follow-up measurement when the annual average value for the radon level is above 200 Bq/m3. With SPIRIT, it has become easy to carry out such a follow-up measurement by building personnel and get an estimated annual average value of the radon level during working hours. If the corrected annual average value is below the reference value of 200 Bq/m3, it replaces the value from the long-term measurement and no radon-reducing measure needs to be implemented. The follow-up measurement must be carried out for at least seven days and cover at least five working days. The measurement service can be used by both employers and property owners.
“A big reason why we developed SPIRIT was to meet an increased need for this type of measurement. Visualizing the radon situation and at the same time being able to optimize the ventilation is of great interest both for people’s health and for energy efficiency,” Karl Nilsson concludes.
Gives clear information about radon in house transactions
In connection with the purchase and sale of a property or apartment, the need for a quick and reliable indication of the radon level often arises. If there is no up-to-date and approved information on the radon level, a measurement needs to be made that gives the parties involved clear information. To better meet the demand for this type of short-term measurement, the SPIRIT measurement service can, within 48 hours, provide measurement results that are fully sufficient so as not to unnecessarily delay or complicate a housing transaction.
Read more about radon and radon measurement here