Since the radon logger SPIRIT was launched just over a year ago, several of Sweden’s radon consultants have started using the instrument when measuring both in schools and at other workplaces. Among these is Elias Flink at SoVent Group. We have met Elias, who tells us how SPIRIT makes a difference and simplifies the work with radon measurement in a school environment.
“We currently use SPIRIT for all types of follow-up measurement at workplaces that have time-controlled ventilation. This applies, for example, to follow-up short-term measurements at schools and preschools. The instrument is very easy to use. Basically, it’s about making sure it’s properly positioned and turned on, then the instrument does the work. We can follow the measurements in real time and create a dashboard with ongoing projects and all measurement points. Together with the client, we can also see that the ventilation has correct operating hours,” comments Elias Flink.
“It is also easy to create reports that give everyone involved a detailed and accurate overview. If you have several measuring points one after the other, SPIRIT keeps track of when you moved the instrument and tells you if the time interval is not in line,” Elias continues.
Meets increased need for follow-up short-term measurements
“When the requirements to map the radon situation at schools and other workplaces increase, in the case of elevated radon levels, additional measurements need to be taken during working hours. It can now be solved effectively and safely with the SPIRIT radon logger, which also works in accordance with the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s method description for radon measurement in workplaces. We are of course happy that several of Sweden’s radon consultants have seen the advantages of SPIRIT and are now using it as a reliable and time-saving part of the business”, comments Radonova’s CEO Karl Nilsson.
“We received initial general training on instruments through the Swedish Radon Association. Since then, I have on a few occasions called Radonova’s support to, for example, get help with a certain layout of protocols generated from SPIRIT. The support is consistently very helpful and knowledgeable about their instruments,” Elias Flink concludes.
About SPIRIT radon logger
With the SPIRIT radon logger, the radon level is displayed in Radonova’s web platform in real time with an accompanying graph. In addition to radon, the SPIRIT radon sensor can measure temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Data and graphs can be read out in real time via Radonova’s web-based service. Here you also get reports in accordance with the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s method descriptions for workplaces and homes. The wireless communication automatically connects the logger to the internet through LoRaWAN technology.