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Radonova update in regards to COVID-19

By April 7, 2020July 24th, 2020News

Radonova has taken a number of measures to ensure procedures carry on as normal during the COVID-19 pandemicWe, like other organizationsare affected by the seriousness of the situation but will continue to conduct measurements and deliveries without interruptionOur customer support is open as usual and accessible to those who have radon-related questions. 
In order to minimize the spread of infection, a large number of our employees currently work from homeEmployees working in our laboratory who provide services which cannot be performed from home are completely focused on reducing the risk of exposure and spread of the virus. This means that detectors can still be returned to Radonova and analyzed. In all cases, we strictly adhere to national regulations and recommendations 
The continual global fight against the Coronavirus is also a reminder of the work we doLike radon, COVID-19 is a serious health risk that can damage the lungsThis virus further enhances our commitment to educating the general public about the dangers of radon and promoting human wellbeing. 
For the latest information about the Coronavirus, please refer to your national health authority. 
Karl Nilsson, CEO Radonova Laboratories


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