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Radon in workplaces and schools: all you need to know

Radon measurements in the workplace are regulated in the UK. These regulations oblige business owners or managers to carry out radon measurements depending on their location. The UK radon map ranks the territory according to the risk linked to radon.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require further information or guidance.


How to measure radon in a school or workplace

Whether you’re obliged to measure radon or just want to do a voluntary test at your workplace, Radonova makes performing an accurate radon measurement simple, quick and cost-efficient.

First, determine the number of Radtrak³® detectors you’ll need using our free online calculator. Then, visit our online store to place your order accordingly.

Once received, place the detectors according to the instructions provided while noting the details related to the measurement. At the end of the measurement period, simply return the detectors to us and you’ll receive an analysis report online within 1-2 weeks.

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Radon: a hidden hazard in the workplace

Employers must comply with the UK Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017. This legislation requires employers, as far as reasonably practicable, to ensure the health and safety of employees and other people who have access to their work environment, for instance, members of the public in shops or in schools.

Radon should be identified as a hazard if you have a workplace with one or more of the following circumstances:

The building is in a radon-affected area
The building has a basement area that is occupied for 50 hours or more each year
You operate a mine, cave, or are responsible for any underground environments
Your business involves a suspected radon source such as ground water (e.g. water treatment works) or stored geological samples.

It’s important to acknowledge that radon maps will only indicate potential risk; they do not provide definitive proof of the presence or absence of radon gas in indoor air. For this reason, Radonova recommends systematic radon testing of the workplace to obtain a precise average level.

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radon testing workplaces schools

How many detectors do we need ?

To carry out radon measurement in the workplace, Radonova recommends following International Radon Measurement Association (IRMA) guidelines. By doing so, you therefore automatically comply with the UK’s method description. The advantage of IRMA’s guidelines is that their recommended measurement procedure helps to save time, and not have to conduct additional measurements due to having deployed too few detectors.

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When is the best period to measure radon?

You can measure at any time of the year and your result will be seasonally adjusted according to PHE seasonal correction factors.

A reminder: these measurements must be performed with an alpha trace detector over a minimum period of three months.

Importance of measuring radon during working hours

Follow-up radon measurement during working hours may be required when the initial long-term measurement resulted in a radon value above the safe threshold. As the long-term measurement is taken over an average of radon concentration during day and night, it won’t indicate the specific level during working hours.

It is common to see different levels of radon between the hours of work or occupation of a building and the hours, typically at night, when the building is empty. From a health and safety point view, it’s the radon concentration during working hours which represents the hazard.

Therefore, it’s important to conduct precise follow-up measurement during working hours before investigating potentially costly remedial measures.

Radonova’s SPIRIT® radon sensor provides precise level measurements in real-time, straight to a computer or mobile device, making it ideal for conducting accurate follow-up testing.

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