Radonova: at the forefront of intercomparison tests
As Radonova is an ISO17025 accredited laboratory, it must regularly participate in intercomparison tests organised by national authorities, including the UK Health Security Agency.
What is an intercomparison test?
These are tests that expose detectors to a reference level set up by the calibration laboratory. Results are then compared against the reference level and statistical analysis is conducted. The test covers both precision and accuracy.
How does it work?
The test organisation brings together detectors from participating laboratories. Radonova sends dozens of detectors which we randomly select from our stock, as a guarantee of impartiality.
All detectors are placed in a sealed room (or rooms) where the radon level is known beforehand and maintained at the same level for the test duration. The process is then repeated in different chambers with different levels of radon. Most of the time, measurements are taken in three different environments with the following radon levels:
- between 200 and 1600 kBqh / m³
- greater than 1600 kBqh / m³
- less than 200 kBqh / m³