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Radon FAQ

Welcome to our radon FAQ page. Here, we aim to provide answers to some of the most common questions about radon testing.

Can’t find the answer to your question? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why choose Radonova?

Radonova is the UK’s only ISO17025-accredited radon testing laboratory, and our long-term radon testing kits are fully validated by the UK Health Security Agency.

We have over 30 years’ experience, with international comparison tests proving our testing and measurement standards to be of the highest precision and quality.

ISO17025 accreditation and UKHSA validation: what's the difference?

ISO17025 is an internationally recognised quality standard. It is awarded to testing and calibration laboratories which can demonstrate effective procedures and measurement precision. Radonova is currently the UK’s only ISO17025-accredited radon testing laboratory.

UKHSA validation is awarded to radon testing equipment approved for both domestic and professional use by the UK Health Security Agency. It only applies to our Radtrak³® long-term radon testing kits.

Radtrak³® or Rapidos® radon testing kits - which do I need?

Radtrak³® is our standard long-term radon detector. Its testing period is between 90-365 days and is validated by the UKHSA for use in homes, schools and workplaces.

Rapidos® is our short-term radon detector and is designed for use when results are required quickly, for example if selling a property or conducting follow-up measurement. Its testing period is between 10-90 days and is suitable for home use only.

How do radon testing kits work?

Our passive Rapidos® and Radtrak³® detectors use a method known as alpha track. Anti-static pods containing film element are placed in different rooms of a building for a set period of time. Combined with normal air, radon diffuses into the pod where it decomposes, releasing high energy alpha particles. This energy creates microscopic tracks on the film, which are then counted using a state-of-the-art image scanner in our laboratory.

Our professional radon instruments are all electronic and use either a mains power supply or LiPo battery.

Is using a radon testing kit complicated?

No, it’s really quite simple! You’ll receive detailed instructions in accordance with UKHSA guidelines along with your testing kit order, but in short, instructions for using our Radtrak³® and Rapidos® detectors are as follows:

  • Place your order and receive detectors (quantity dependent on property size) within 2-3 working days
  • Place detectors as indicated in your property for the designated timescale (90-365 days for Radtrak³®; 10-90 days for Rapidos®)
  • Return detectors to us at the address below for laboratory analysis
  • Upon receipt, you can expect to receive your report online within 1-2 weeks

Our professional radon instruments (SPIRIT®, ATMOS®, MARKUS® and ROBIN®) have specific, detailed instructions included.

Digital radon monitors are widely available - can't I just use one of them?

Digital domestic radon monitors might be affordable and look stylish, but they won’t have gone through any certification processes or third-party accreditation. They will also not have been calibrated in any way, rendering measurement data unreliable and likely inaccurate, and for this reason they are not endorsed or validated by the UKHSA.

What's the difference between Radonova's two SPIRIT® digital instruments?

SPIRIT® digital radonlogger is a portable wireless instrument, designed for use by radon professionals who need to move it to different locations, but it’s also suitable for domestic or office use.

SPIRIT® digital radon sensor is used for fixed installation and is commonly deployed in schools or workplaces.

Unlike other digital radon sensors, SPIRIT® is fully calibrated and the only instrument that can measure radon during specified hours. The hardware differs, but the software is identical for both versions. Learn more about SPIRIT® here.

When will my radon detectors arrive?

All our orders are dispatched same-day via Royal Mail Tracked 24, ensuring you receive your detectors within 2-3 working days.

Which radon testing kits should schools use, and when?

Radon testing in schools should be carried out using our long-term Radtrak³® detectors over a minimum three month period, in order to comply with UKHSA guidelines. We strongly advise carrying out testing during the winter months, when indoor levels are at their highest. The summer holiday period should be avoided completely.

Our SPIRIT® digital radon sensor is also a highly effective testing instrument for school use, as it can be programmed to record levels during determined hours.

How long can radon testing kits be stored before use?

Our long-term Radtrak³® detectors can be stored for up to 18 months before use.

Our short-term Rapidos® detectors can be stored for up to 8 months before use.

How do I connect to MyPages?

You’ll find your unique commission number and password included with your radon testing kit. You’ll then need to use this information to register your detectors in the MyPages section of our website.

Where do I return the radon detectors once the testing period is complete?

Please return your detectors to:

Radonova Scientific Ltd
Unit 12
Market Industrial Estate
BS49 4RF

There are no requirements any specific type of packaging used for returns. You are welcome to re-use the box provided or alternatively Jiffy bags are also suitable.

Is return delivery pre-paid?

Not yet – this is something we’re working on. In the meantime, we recommend returning detectors to us using Royal Mail Tracked 24.

How is radon gas measured and what levels are considered too high?

In the UK, radon is measured in bequerels per cubic metre of air, or Bq/m3.

In UK workplaces, remedial action is a legal obligation in cases where radon levels exceed 300 Bq/m3.

In UK homes, remedial action is advised in cases where radon levels exceed 200 Bq/m3.

The WHO‘s indoor radon target level is 100 Bq/m3.

My report indicates high radon gas levels - what should I do?

Don’t panic! There are methods available to remedy high indoor radon level concentrations – find further details here.

We advise visiting the UK Radon Council and the UK Radon Association, where you’ll be able to find details of specialist mitigation services.

Following mitigation, it’s essential to carry out follow-up testing. Contact us  to learn what options are available to suit your requirements.

What's follow-up testing?

Follow-up testing is essentially a second round of radon testing. It should always be conducted if remedial works have been necessary in any building found to be affected by radon concentration, in order to gauge how effective the works have been.

Radonova offers several devices suitable for follow-up testing in homes, schools or workplaces; contact us to discuss options.

I lost my PDF report; can I get a new one?

Yes, absolutely. Visit MyPages to retrieve a copy of your report, using your commission number and password.