ATMOS®: ‘Sniffer’ device for identifying radon main entry point

ATMOS® is a highly sensitive ‘sniffer’ instrument, designed to determine a building’s main entry point for radon gas. ATMOS® is equipped with an energy-dissolving pulse chamber; hardware essential for conducting accurate measurements rapidly, given the large quantities of data that are produced.

Included with ATMOS®:

  • Radon measurements with an error margin of just 10% within 10 minutes
  • Ability to perform different measurements at 20 minutes intervals
  • Software package for analysing time distribution of radon content and its energy spectrum
  • A fully portable instrument, with high memory capacity and battery life

ATMOS® can perform significantly more measurements in one day than any other radon detection instrument on the market. It also logs ambient temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure with its integrated sensors.

Other common uses for ATMOS® are property inspection and follow-up measurements after remedial action. It is also used as a reference instrument for calibration chambers.

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    SKU: 400210 Categories: , , ,

    Technical Specifications

    Measurement principle 2.2 litre pulse ionisation chamber
    Battery time 8 hours continuous operation
    Measurement precision 10% at 800 Bq/m³ and 10 minutes measuring time
    MDA (Minimal Detective Activity) 5 seconds at 1 800 Bq/m³
    1 minute at 150 Bq/m³
    1 hour at 2 Bq/m³
    Sensitivity Rn-222 20 pulses/min at 1 000 Bq/m³
    Detection method Alfa spectrometry
    Measurement range 1 – 100 000 Bq/m³
    Resolution 0,25 MeV FWHM
    Data log > 10 years
    Measuring time Selectable integration time (1 minute – 24 hours)
    Communication USB
    Power supply +24 VDC, 3A
    Software Windows software app for analysis of measurement data and energy spectrum(win7/10)


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