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Radonova: The global leader in radon measurement

Our history

Radonova Laboratories, formerly Landauer Nordic and Gammadata Mättekinik, was founded in 1986 following the Chernobyl nuclear accident. After the disaster, the Swedish government commissioned a group of researchers from Uppsala University to measure the fallout, and a young company with a bright future was born.

Radonova is now a global leader, conducting large-scale radon measurement in over 80 countries. We have built a strong reputation for our instrument quality, professional values, and innovative technologies.

Radonova Laboratories is part of the Lagercrantz group.

our story

The world’s leading laboratory for radon measurement in the UK and Northern Ireland

With our modern laboratory in Uppsala, Sweden and customers in over 80 countries, most notably in Europe, the United States and Canada, we are the global leader when it comes to measuring radon. We employ over 30 highly trained administrative, technical and laboratory staff who are engaged in production, analysis, sales, technical support plus R&D. Our work is based on a customer-oriented perspective, and our objective is to always exceed expectations with regard to quality, service and experience.

As an ISO17025 accredited company, we continually monitor our own performance, making sure we meet and exceed stated quality and performance standards. We constantly review our procedures and team training to maintain and improve both our technical competence and client satisfaction. Our ability to offer an accurate and precise analysis service ensures reliability at all levels.

Radonova, an active member of several associations

Radonova is a member of several international organisations (ERA, CARST, AARST) which deal with the issue of radon. It has been chosen to supply and analyse detectors for Public Health England (PHE), making LDRN the most often requested radon detector system in the UK.

Radonova maintains a high profile in the UK and NI and is an active member of several internationally-recognised radon institutions:

We are members of the UK Radon Council

Formed in 1990, The Radon Council is the independent, not-for-profit, self-regulatory body for the radon protection industry.

Its formation was welcomed in the Interim Report of the UK Parliamentary Select Committee on Indoor Pollution, which called upon industry to provide a solution to the radon problem. The first objectives were to identify so-called ‘cowboy’ operators and dubious training courses in practice. Later, there followed a first edition of a training manual (now in its third edition) and an agreed Code of Practice for the industry. The Council has now drawn up an Approved List of Contractors offering advice and services involving remedial work for radon gas.

We are members of the UK Radon Association

The UK Radon Association is a not-for-profit, professional organisation of members who are dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance of radon measurement, radon mitigation and transfer of radon information for the benefit of members, consumers and the wider public. Our Members include specialist radon contractorsradon testing laboratories and suppliers of radon mitigation equipment.

We are members of the European Radon Association (ERA)

There is a large and growing community in Europe of professionals including scientists, technologists, public health officials and decision makers working in the radon field. Their areas of interest range from epidemiology, radiation dosimetry, instrument development and measurement protocols, remediation and prevention construction technologies to control strategies and regulation.

In recognition of this, the European Radon Association (ERA) has formed, aimed at serving the interests of the European radon community and to assist in reducing the health burden of Radon Exposure in Europe.

An ISO17025-accredited laboratory; a guarantee of quality

Radonova: at the forefront of intercomparison tests

My Pages, our online management measurement service

Our commitment to the environment